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Create Animated Png Photoshop

Create Animated PNGs in Photoshop

A Comprehensive Guide


Animated PNGs, also known as APNGs, are a dynamic way to add motion and excitement to your website or blog. Unlike static PNGs, APNGs contain multiple frames of animation, allowing you to create rich and engaging visuals. Creating APNGs in Photoshop may seem daunting, but with the right tools and techniques, it's a fairly straightforward process. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the steps involved in creating stunning animated PNGs using Photoshop and APNG Assembler (APNGasm).

Step 1: Prepare Your Animation

Begin by creating or importing the individual frames of your animation into Photoshop. Each frame should be a separate layer within a single PSD file. Ensure that the frame dimensions are consistent across all layers.

Step 2: Export as GIF

Although Photoshop doesn't natively support APNG export, you can export your animation as a GIF. Go to "File" > "Export" > "Save for Web (Legacy)" and select "GIF" as the format.

Step 3: Convert to APNG

Now, it's time to convert the GIF to APNG. Open the APNG Assembler (APNGasm) application. Drag and drop your GIF file into the main window. Alternatively, you can click "File" > "Open" to select the file.

Step 4: Set Animation Options

In the APNG Assembler, you can configure various animation settings. These include the animation loop count, frame delay, and disposal method. Experiment with these settings to achieve your desired animation效果.

Step 5: Save as APNG

Once you're satisfied with your settings, click "Save Optimized" to export the APNG file. Choose a suitable file name and location.


Creating animated PNGs using Photoshop and APNG Assembler is a great way to enhance your web presence with dynamic and engaging visuals. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily incorporate stunning APNGs into your website or blog.
